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Do I need a partner?


No, a partner is not necessary. While you are learning your instructor will dance with you as your partner. You will also be introduced to other students you can practice with in group classes and at dance parties.

What Should I Wear?

We have a more relaxed atmosphere at PURE DANCE ADDICTION. Our students wear anything from blue Jeans, to shirt and tie, sometimes it’s whatever they wore to work that day.


We recommend soft soled dress shoes for footwear. Athletic shoes are fine for your first few lessons. Ladies be aware that flip flops, or slides are not recommended, it is difficult to walk backwards in them. We suggest you not spend your money on dance shoes until you have decided you want to continue dancing. Amberly can recommend local and internet shoe vendors we trust, and help you choose a pair that’s right for you.

How Often Should I take lessons?

We recommend at least once a week you either take a private or group class. This prevents you from forgetting too much in between and becoming frustrated.

The best way to learn is to do as much as you can comfortably in the beginning to get the basics in your brain and body. After that you can spread out your lessons and attend groups or parties to practice and keep it fresh. Then add in a private every now and then to add a new step, check your progress, or answer questions.

         "As Long as I Dance,

    I will have Melody in my heart"

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