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If the thought of cutting a rug in front of a hundred or so of your closest family and friends has you sweating bullets, it might not be a bad idea to look into taking a few wedding dance lessons. Amberly can help you  decide what style of dance you want to perform. Will you choose an up-tempo swing number, a spicy salsa, or a classic waltz?  Whichever you choose, Amberly Robinson can help you overcome even the worst case of stage fright. You can take your lessons one-on-one, or take off some of the pressure by signing up for a group class. (Look at it this way: The more people in the class, the better the chance that you won't be the only one with two left feet.) Of course, one benefit to having a private lesson or two can be learning a dance to your specific first dance song.  Even if you can hold your own on the dance floor, a few lessons with a professional wedding dance instructor can be just the trick to wowing your guests with your moves.

First Dance

         "As Long as I Dance,

    I will have Melody in my heart"

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